Articles of SCANVAC
Scandinavian Federation of Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering Associations in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
(Nordisk VVS-forbund)
§ 1
Name and Domicile of SCANVAC
The name of the Nordic federation of heating, ventilation and sanitary engineering societies is SCANVAC (Scandinavian Federation of Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering Associations in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden).
The domicile of SCANVAC is the domicile of the elected president from time to time.
§ 2
Objectives of SCANVAC
SCANVAC is platform for the collaboration between the Nordic Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering Societies.
The objective of SCANVAC is to advance the technical and scientific development of Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering. The objective is gained through the following activities:
§ 3
Following societies are currently members of SCANVAC:
Denmark: Danvak (Fælles selskab for Danvak-VVS Teknisk Forening og IDA-HVAC)
Finland: FINVAC (The Finnish Association of HVAC Societies)
Representing: Suomen LVI-liitto (SULVI), VVS Föreningen i Finland (VSF), Lämpöinsinööriyhdistys - Värmeingenjörsföreningen (LIVI) and
Sisäilmayhdistys ry
Iceland: Lagnafélag Islands (LAFI)
Norway: Norsk VVS, Energi- og Miljøteknisk Forening
Sweden: Energi- och Miljötekniska Föreningen
Membership fees (voting members, associate members, supporting members) are decided in the annual meeting.
§ 4
Admission and Resignation
Only societies whose objectives are similar to those of SCANVAC can be members.
New members can only be admitted through a unanimous decision taken at the annual meeting of SCANVAC.
Any member may resign by such member’s written request received by the President.
A resigning member has no claim against SCANVAC.
§ 5
Associate Members
Societies and federations from Non-Scandinavian countries whose objective is equivalent to that of SCANVAC can become associate members of SCANVAC.
New associate members can only be admitted through a unanimous decision taken at annual meeting. Associate members are not entitled to vote.
Special and practical statues for associate members must be made upon admission.
Associate members can attend SCANVAC meetings, but they have no voting rights.
§ 6
Supporting Members
SCANVAC can accept as supporting members reputable companies and organisations. Supporting members can attend SCANVAC meetings, but they have no voting rights.
§ 7
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting has supreme authority.
Time and place for the next annual meeting is decided at the annual meeting.
Extraordinary meetings must be called if at least two members from two different countries wish to do so. Within two months the President shall call for a meeting with a notice of three weeks.
The members are represented by one or more delegates appointed by the member society. Each member is entitled to at least one vote, as each country must have the same number of votes.
All members of the member association can attend the annual meeting.
Voting Rules:
The agenda for the annual meeting shall as a minimum include:
§ 8
SCANVAC has a board with a mandate period from the annual meeting until the next annual meeting. The board reports to the annual meeting of SCANVAC. The board has one member appointed from each member organisation. The secretary generals of SCANVAC members are associate board members. The board can invite advisors to its meetings.
§ 9
The President´s mandate period runs from annual meeting to the next annual meeting. The secretary general chosen by the President and the President are responsible for the daily management of SCANVAC according to the guidelines approved by the board and the annual meeting.
The member associations must keep the President and secretary general of SCANVAC informed of their contact persons.
The president is entitled to sign for SCANVAC.
§ 10
Secretary meetings
The secretary generals of SCANVAC member associations meets 1-2 times a year.
§ 11
National meetings/events
The members of the SCANVAC member associations can participate in all open meetings/events on the same terms as the members of the society arranging the meeting/event.
§ 12
Accounting period is 1.1-31.12. The board prepares the financial report and activity report annually as well as a budget and an activity plan for the annual meeting.
The annual meeting decides were the SCANVAC accounts are located.
§ 13
Dissolution of SCANVAC
Dissolution of SCANVAC requires a majority of ¾ of the votes.
In the event of dissolution of SCANVAC, the assets must be divided into equal amounts and given to each affiliated country.
(Nordisk VVS-forbund)
§ 1
Name and Domicile of SCANVAC
The name of the Nordic federation of heating, ventilation and sanitary engineering societies is SCANVAC (Scandinavian Federation of Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering Associations in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden).
The domicile of SCANVAC is the domicile of the elected president from time to time.
§ 2
Objectives of SCANVAC
SCANVAC is platform for the collaboration between the Nordic Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering Societies.
The objective of SCANVAC is to advance the technical and scientific development of Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering. The objective is gained through the following activities:
- To facilitate and coordinate meetings through lectures and discussions, especially with foreign lecturers.
- To enhance a collegiate spirit and collaboration between the Nordic countries.
- To disseminate information about Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering activities in the Nordic countries.
- To coordinate planning of conferences (RoomVent and Cold Climate HVAC) and exhibitions for Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering.
- Collect and distribute information on Scanvac related activities in EU
- Enhance cooperation in related international organisations like REHVA and ASHRAE.
- Inform the members on relevant international activities.
- Recognise the prominent experts and students in Scandinavian countries
- Enhance the visibility and influence of Scanvac in other Scandinavian and related international organisations
§ 3
Following societies are currently members of SCANVAC:
Denmark: Danvak (Fælles selskab for Danvak-VVS Teknisk Forening og IDA-HVAC)
Finland: FINVAC (The Finnish Association of HVAC Societies)
Representing: Suomen LVI-liitto (SULVI), VVS Föreningen i Finland (VSF), Lämpöinsinööriyhdistys - Värmeingenjörsföreningen (LIVI) and
Sisäilmayhdistys ry
Iceland: Lagnafélag Islands (LAFI)
Norway: Norsk VVS, Energi- og Miljøteknisk Forening
Sweden: Energi- och Miljötekniska Föreningen
Membership fees (voting members, associate members, supporting members) are decided in the annual meeting.
§ 4
Admission and Resignation
Only societies whose objectives are similar to those of SCANVAC can be members.
New members can only be admitted through a unanimous decision taken at the annual meeting of SCANVAC.
Any member may resign by such member’s written request received by the President.
A resigning member has no claim against SCANVAC.
§ 5
Associate Members
Societies and federations from Non-Scandinavian countries whose objective is equivalent to that of SCANVAC can become associate members of SCANVAC.
New associate members can only be admitted through a unanimous decision taken at annual meeting. Associate members are not entitled to vote.
Special and practical statues for associate members must be made upon admission.
Associate members can attend SCANVAC meetings, but they have no voting rights.
§ 6
Supporting Members
SCANVAC can accept as supporting members reputable companies and organisations. Supporting members can attend SCANVAC meetings, but they have no voting rights.
§ 7
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting has supreme authority.
Time and place for the next annual meeting is decided at the annual meeting.
Extraordinary meetings must be called if at least two members from two different countries wish to do so. Within two months the President shall call for a meeting with a notice of three weeks.
The members are represented by one or more delegates appointed by the member society. Each member is entitled to at least one vote, as each country must have the same number of votes.
All members of the member association can attend the annual meeting.
Voting Rules:
- Only present (physically, by telecom or other technical device) delegates are entitled to vote.
- Financial decisions require a unanimous decision of members present (physically, by telecom or other technical device)
- Amendments to rules require a majority of ¾ of the votes.
- All other decisions require a simple majority of votes. In case of equal number of votes the decision must be taken by lot.
The agenda for the annual meeting shall as a minimum include:
- The President’s report on SCANVAC´s activities previous year
- Financial report for previous year (presented by the President)
- Auditor´s report
- Activity plan and budget for current year
- Other submitted proposals
- Election of President
- Election of board members
- Election of auditor
- Time and place of next annual meeting
- AOB (Any Other Business)
§ 8
SCANVAC has a board with a mandate period from the annual meeting until the next annual meeting. The board reports to the annual meeting of SCANVAC. The board has one member appointed from each member organisation. The secretary generals of SCANVAC members are associate board members. The board can invite advisors to its meetings.
§ 9
The President´s mandate period runs from annual meeting to the next annual meeting. The secretary general chosen by the President and the President are responsible for the daily management of SCANVAC according to the guidelines approved by the board and the annual meeting.
The member associations must keep the President and secretary general of SCANVAC informed of their contact persons.
The president is entitled to sign for SCANVAC.
§ 10
Secretary meetings
The secretary generals of SCANVAC member associations meets 1-2 times a year.
§ 11
National meetings/events
The members of the SCANVAC member associations can participate in all open meetings/events on the same terms as the members of the society arranging the meeting/event.
§ 12
Accounting period is 1.1-31.12. The board prepares the financial report and activity report annually as well as a budget and an activity plan for the annual meeting.
The annual meeting decides were the SCANVAC accounts are located.
§ 13
Dissolution of SCANVAC
Dissolution of SCANVAC requires a majority of ¾ of the votes.
In the event of dissolution of SCANVAC, the assets must be divided into equal amounts and given to each affiliated country.