1948:Nordic cooperation initiated by Dansish Association
1950:First secretary genral, N. Chr. Geertsen, was appointed
1953: First Scandinavian HVAC conference in Copenhagen
1956: |
1958:Nordisk VVS Förbund (Scandinavian HVAC Federation) was established
1971:NKB-gruppen (Nordic committee for Building Regulations) is honored with
Nordic Award. NKB operated several years under Nordic Council. During its active time it produced several reports and recommendation on implementation of energy efficient and healthy indoor climate for buildings. |
Scandinavian HVAC conference in Stocholm
1975:Nordiska ventilationsgruppen (Nordic Ventilation Group) is honored with Nordic Award
NKB-gruppen produced several consensus documents on technical issues of HVAC like ”Guidelines how to measure air flows in duct system” this was widely used in all Nordic counties and utilized when making CEN standards. |
1976:Nordiska VVS-kongressen (Scandinavian HVAC conference) in Finland
1987:First RoomVent conference in Stockholm
This conference series was established to promote Scandinavian technology in the area of ventilation and air diffusion and distribution. |
1994:First Cold Climate HVAC conference in Rovaniemi, Finland
This conference series was established to promote Scandinavian technology in the area of heating, ventilation and indoor environment in cold climate. |
SCANVAC (Scandinavian Federation of Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering Associations in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.) was established and rules adapted
1994:Ole Fanger was elected as the first president of SCANVAC
1995:Finland and Sweden joined European Union. As a result Nordic cooperation was reduced.
2006:Ole Fanger past away and Per Rasmussen accepted the presidency of SCANVAC
2013-14:Project: Nordic Region as Standard Maker, funded by Norden, Nordic Innovation, organized by Danish Standards, three subproject WG 2 for Indoor Air Quality and Climate
2016: |
2020: |
2022 |