Nordic Ventilation Group is a group of academics sharing the same interest and concerns regarding the indoor climate and ventilation. The group works independently under the umbrella of SCANVAC.
The objective of the Nordic Ventilation Group (NVG) is to develop ventilation science and technologies for good and healthy indoor environments, in an energy efficient and environmentally friendly way. NVG is platform for the collaboration between ventilation and IAQ experts. The work of NVG is 100% voluntary and free from direct commercial interest. Various activities can be used to advance the objectives of the group, such as meetings, workshops, lectures, information sharing, common publications and statements.
NVG has a convenor whose task is to organize the meetings and propose the agenda for the meetings and other events. Convenor is elected by the members amongst those who have expressed their interest to become a convenor. The term of the convenor is two years.
The convenor 6/2023-6/2025 is Alireza Afshari.
The objective of the Nordic Ventilation Group (NVG) is to develop ventilation science and technologies for good and healthy indoor environments, in an energy efficient and environmentally friendly way. NVG is platform for the collaboration between ventilation and IAQ experts. The work of NVG is 100% voluntary and free from direct commercial interest. Various activities can be used to advance the objectives of the group, such as meetings, workshops, lectures, information sharing, common publications and statements.
NVG has a convenor whose task is to organize the meetings and propose the agenda for the meetings and other events. Convenor is elected by the members amongst those who have expressed their interest to become a convenor. The term of the convenor is two years.
The convenor 6/2023-6/2025 is Alireza Afshari.
The current members of the group are:
Alireza Afshari, Professor, Aalborg University
Amar Aganovic, Associate Professor, UiT The Arctic university of Norway
Guangyu Cao, Professor, NTNU - Norwegian university of science and technology
Lars Ekberg, Associate Professor, Chalmers University of Technology
Per Kvols Heiselberg, Professor, Aalborg University
Dennis Johansson, Associate Professor HVAC, Lund University
Risto Kosonen, Professor, Aalto University
Jarek Kurnitski, Professor, TalTech - Tallinn University of Technology
Ivo Martinac, Professor, KTH- Royal Institute of Technology
Hans Martin Mathisen, Professor, NTNU - Norwegian university of science and technology
Arsen Melikov, Professor, DTU - Technical University of Denmark
Panu Mustakallio, Professor of Practice, Aalto University
Peter V. Nielsen, Professor emeritus, Aalborg University
Bjarne W. Olesen, Professor, DTU - Technical University of Denmark
Thomas Olofsson, Professor, Umeå University
Pertti Pasanen, Director, University of Eastern Finland
Svein Ruud, Tekn. Lic., Senior expert, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Sasan Sadrizadeh, Associate Professor, KTH- Royal Institute of Technology
Peter Schild, Professor, OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
Olli Seppänen, Professor emeritus., Aalto University
Martin Thalfeldt, Professor, TalTech - Tallinn University of Technology
Pawel Wargocki, Associate Professor, director, DTU - Technical University of Denmark
Siru Lönnqvist, secretary general, VVS Föreningen i Finland and SCANVAC
Alireza Afshari, Professor, Aalborg University
Amar Aganovic, Associate Professor, UiT The Arctic university of Norway
Guangyu Cao, Professor, NTNU - Norwegian university of science and technology
Lars Ekberg, Associate Professor, Chalmers University of Technology
Per Kvols Heiselberg, Professor, Aalborg University
Dennis Johansson, Associate Professor HVAC, Lund University
Risto Kosonen, Professor, Aalto University
Jarek Kurnitski, Professor, TalTech - Tallinn University of Technology
Ivo Martinac, Professor, KTH- Royal Institute of Technology
Hans Martin Mathisen, Professor, NTNU - Norwegian university of science and technology
Arsen Melikov, Professor, DTU - Technical University of Denmark
Panu Mustakallio, Professor of Practice, Aalto University
Peter V. Nielsen, Professor emeritus, Aalborg University
Bjarne W. Olesen, Professor, DTU - Technical University of Denmark
Thomas Olofsson, Professor, Umeå University
Pertti Pasanen, Director, University of Eastern Finland
Svein Ruud, Tekn. Lic., Senior expert, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Sasan Sadrizadeh, Associate Professor, KTH- Royal Institute of Technology
Peter Schild, Professor, OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
Olli Seppänen, Professor emeritus., Aalto University
Martin Thalfeldt, Professor, TalTech - Tallinn University of Technology
Pawel Wargocki, Associate Professor, director, DTU - Technical University of Denmark
Siru Lönnqvist, secretary general, VVS Föreningen i Finland and SCANVAC
Nordic Ventilation Group was very active in 80´s and 90´s when mechanical ventilation became more common in Nordic counties. The group published several guidelines for measuring air flow rates and evaluating of the performance of ventilation. The history and objectives of the group are described in more details in the attached article (in Swedish). The group was established again 2020.
Articles and publications
- Model Indoor Environmental Quality regulation aligning with new provisions of the 2024 EPBD recast, 7.1.2025
- Health-based target ventilation rates and design method for reducing exposure to airborne respiratory infectious diseases, update August 2023
- Proposed modifications and guidelines for implementation of Article 11a ‘Indoor environmental quality’ in EPBD draft, 1.7.2023
- Control of airborne infections with ventilation and air distribution in post COVID pandemic, 6.3.2023
- Demand Controlled Ventilation – Current situation, challenges, and needed remedies, 3.3.2023
- Health-based target ventilation rates and design method for reducing exposure to airborne respiratory infectious diseases, 9.1.2023
- Principles_of_ventilation_design_to_achieve_high_IAQ, 1/2022
- Criteria of room air cleaners for particulate matter, 3/2021
- Effects of indoor air humidity, 2/2021
- Nordic collaboration to reduce transmission of viral disease in indoor air, 12/2020
- Effect of Portable Air Cleaners on Indoor Air Quality: Particle Removal from Indoor Air, article in REHVA Journal 2/2021
- What we know and should know about ventilation, article in REHVA Journal 2/2021