SCANVAC Award for Young Researchers 2019

The SCANVAC Award for Young researchers 2019 has been awarded to
Dr. Quan Jin, who works at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg, Sweden.
Quan Jin has dedicated more than 10 years of her scientific research to building indoor environment, concerning occupant comfort, health and productivity as well as eco-efficient buildings and district heating solutions. In the Area of Advance Building Futures. Quan works with building environment and facilities – testing and modeling concepts and products to improve buildings’ sustainability and energy efficiency performances in different climate zones.
Quan Jin got her PhD from China, Dalian University of Technology. She has been working in VTT-Finland as a Senior Scientist. In 2014, she became a Postdoctoral Researcher in KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. She has been a Visiting Researcher in the Technical University of Denmark. She has many scientific publications and journal papers, as well as being involved in many international cooperations, such as IEA ANNEX 69 and CIB W098 Intelligent Building Task Group.
Dr. Quan Jin, who works at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg, Sweden.
Quan Jin has dedicated more than 10 years of her scientific research to building indoor environment, concerning occupant comfort, health and productivity as well as eco-efficient buildings and district heating solutions. In the Area of Advance Building Futures. Quan works with building environment and facilities – testing and modeling concepts and products to improve buildings’ sustainability and energy efficiency performances in different climate zones.
Quan Jin got her PhD from China, Dalian University of Technology. She has been working in VTT-Finland as a Senior Scientist. In 2014, she became a Postdoctoral Researcher in KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. She has been a Visiting Researcher in the Technical University of Denmark. She has many scientific publications and journal papers, as well as being involved in many international cooperations, such as IEA ANNEX 69 and CIB W098 Intelligent Building Task Group.